The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Four yrs. of medical School at Temple Univ School of Medicine,MD degree 1943, Internship at Philadelphia General Hosp. (OLD BLOCKLEY); 2 years in ARMY OF US as a surgeon(128th Gen Hosp) In Devizes, Wiltshire England,eight years of medical practice; One year of Graduate school of Medicine (Univ of Penna); Three years of Surgical Residency (Temple Univ. School of Medicine)Remainder of my career as a Certified Gen Surgeon Practice at Crozier-Chester Medical Center,Sacred Heart General Chester(Chief of surgery)and Riddle Memorial Hospital. Retired at age 68. Married to Virginia N. Rumsey, Rn For past 60 years,five children,ten grandchildren. Was an avid sailor(31 ft Sloop) on Chesapeake Bay. At 75 I took up golf but never have excelled at this wonderful sport Have enjoyed good health until recently. I have had three children graduated from PSU,Two more Grand's plan admission to PSU. Three other grand's are graduates or students in Midwestern universities. If these old bones hold together, I plan to attend my 7oth reunion at PSU this June.